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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

Camping if i’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault sweater

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Omg,  i  thought they put the Camping if  i’m  drunk it’s my sister’s fault sweater and then I freaked out when they put it on the cupcake. Then I realized it was icing lol. Removal of the glass lid: use a knife, stick it under the lid and push it outward, release the air, pop, then it is easy to turn around and open. So does a rubber band – just put it around the lid. Or just give the bottom of the jar a couple quick hits with the heel of your palm; puts air under the seal and makes jars easier to open. Buy this shirt:  Camping if  i’m  drunk it’s my sister’s fault sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater

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The Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater. I noticed there  wasn’t  as many eggs in the salad as in the rack. Probably still trying to get all of it cleaned out. Don’t use a glue nozzle it’s toxic even clean. Use old sauce or honey nozzles. Seriously who comes up with this stuff. Some good suggestions! But wouldn’t use a glue top tho. And what are the odds a cookie cutter exactly fits the corn  cob.  That type of cutter usually comes in a pack of ten or so all of varying sizes. Buy this shirt:  Vintage allegedly ostrich sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater

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I love animals more than most people but c’mon!! It’s a Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater on words and I’m sure they were put back with mom right after  video . Puppies cannot regulate their own temperatures – 2 of them are shivering in this video! They should be with mum, each other or under something heated at all times! Which I don’t think is a facility built into McDonald’s Fries packaging yet. I feel you need to see this that boy of yours can get the boxes, right? Now to find the puppies! Buy this shirt:  Pi cycle it just keeps going and going and going sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Hat Read everyday sweater

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It’s just 40 secs guys, I’m sure after that Hat Read everyday sweater. And mom dogs sometimes leave puppies alone for a bit longer than 40 secs, they know that the puppies are safe. Watch “Too Cute” and you’ll see. It’s just a picture  guys ! Maybe 5 minutes out of their lives! It’s cute get over it! Didn’t hurt anyone but you all that need to get a life. I’m sure this looks cute to some, but puppies can’t regulate their body temp all that well and need to be in a pile with their siblings and mama to stay warm. Buy this shirt:  Hat Read everyday sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Peanuts happiness is baseball season sweater

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Eva Maria Krebs are you  serious ?  My Peanuts happiness is baseball season  sweatern  and toys and my puppy STILL destroys my stuff . Especially if they are teething they’ll chew whatever they can. Don’t understand how this is “cute”, hardly animal abuse but still, anything for likes, those pups are so young shouldn’t be put in boxes like this, whoever filmed it is an attention seeking knob. This is why I hate reading comments it’s a damn pic of cute pups!! I’m sure they are safe with their mom now!!! You act like they were serving them to cannibals. For the love of God people!!!!! Stop being so damn sensitive. Buy this shirt:  Peanuts happiness is baseball season sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

In case of accident my blood type is Guinness sweater

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There always has to be that In case of  accident  my blood type is Guinness  sweater  the  video always has to find something wrong with it. Chill out. What should we do when our dogs do bad things just let him do it over and over and over again no you teach them. You clearly know absolutely fuck all about dogs and their  behaviour . Maybe sometimes that would be the case but other times they just get excited over something and want to chew it up. My dog has loads of toys and  i’m  with him most of the time. Buy this shirt:  In case of  accident  my blood type is Guinness sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Saints were robbed 1 20 2019 sweater

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You also could just tap the Saints were robbed 1 20 2019 sweater. That’s exactly what I was thinking – turn it the right direction. I just use a rubber band – put it around any lid, top, etc, and it will turn MUCH easier – gives you traction, and you can use the same rubber band again and again. You can also break the seal by putting a teaspoon under the lid and turning slightly this breaks the seal and the top comes right off. Buy this shirt:  Saints were robbed 1 20 2019 sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Bulldog kiss me I’m bulldog sweater

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Eva Maria Krebs Guess you prefer locking dogs in the Bulldog kiss me I’m bulldog sweater. How ignorant can one person be?  Koree  Koko Jennings plus the owners were not hitting, yelling, or screaming. All I have to say to my  pittie  is ‘what did you do?’ And he confesses. I just let it go and laugh under my breath. He has many toys and is exercised. He’s just a dog. Exactly what I was looking for, some shitty stupid comment about abuse, thank you. Bull shit if  i  am in the shower too long my dog does something like this. Buy this shirt:  Bulldog kiss me I’m bulldog sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I like to think new Mexico misses me too sweater

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Eva Maria Krebs not true my  7 year old  lab will reduce an I like to think new Mexico misses me  too  sweater. To confetti in the  time  it takes me to brush my teeth nothing to do with boredom. Eva Maria Krebs only reason I can’t to the comments was to find that one asshat who screams abuse. Eva Maria Krebs ok Paw Patrol  not  one owner scolded their pet most. Were laughing in the background if you paid any attention to the full video. You prob jumped the gun and assumed right away. Buy this shirt:  I like to think new Mexico misses me  too  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Boston city of champions sweater

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Am I the Boston city of champions sweater? The wine bottle one and getting the kiwi out one I’ll be trying in the near future though, life  changers  there haha. Washing the greens like that, am afraid there may be worms or little flies trapped inside the net, and yeah swinging like a wet dog shaking! So if they were  gunna  use a cooling rack to slice eggs wouldn’t be easier to just use a potato  smasher . That time we didn’t have a bottle opener and just smashed the end off…we probably had a lighter lol. Buy this shirt:  Boston city of champions sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Treat people with kindness sweater

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Mine went through legal immigration too except for the ones that Treat people with kindness sweater. I think that was legal too since the King granted them a charter to start a new colony. The Fed had revenue sharing with the States to share the tax surpluses. Nixon ended that. Reagan shifted from the middle class to the upper class that has resulted in the greatest income inequality since the  Guilded  Age. If they went through Ellis Island, they were immigrants, but they were not illegals. They did it right. Buy this shirt:  Treat people with kindness sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Leprechaun dabbing shenanigator a person who instigates shenanigans sweater

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Anayeli Mendoza Gonzalez You need to study real American history. Not the Leprechaun dabbing  shenanigator  a person who instigates shenanigans sweater. BTW, where did you go to school? USA or Mexico? My father was an immigrant. Came through Ellis Island from Scotland. Became a US citizen. Carol-Hill Davis So that’s the excuse for breaking the law and sneaking  in to  our country, like a thief in the night. Linda  Thurston  Are you saying minors are incapable of breaking the law? Stupidest comment of the day! Buy this shirt:  Leprechaun dabbing  shenanigator  a person who instigates shenanigans sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater

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If the Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater. Ellis Island was accepting everyone who was healthy. Dreamers had no choice just like when you all  where  kids and had few choices as your parents made the call. The Dreamers need protection; give them citizenship. You do realize that most people that went through Ellis Island we illegals and never filled out a form. Joan Bach Sarchioto It’s not thousands and thousands of dollars..the application fee and getting set up on the docket is 600 bucks. Buy this shirt:  Rambo All he wanted was something to eat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Sloth slow down sweater

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If its Sloth  slow  down sweater, why do they still come? I am NOT in the top 1% either, but somehow I work and support myself. Your Grandparents were legal immigrants, not illegals. Big big difference! Doesn’t sound easy as you put it. Fine your grandparents came and  was  given citizenship right there. There are people that are going to the process of getting  there  things straight but sometimes the government makes mistake and takes too long and then you notice that some of your kids are aging out and might not qualify. I understand rules are rules but sometimes it’s okay to let it go and help those who  needs  help. Buy this shirt:  Sloth slow down sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Saints We were Robbed sweater

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Obama tried to pass immigration bills and Saints We were Robbed sweater. This is the only home they know. I’ll bet everyone on here is a descendant of an immigrant. So you hate them because they are from Mexico, not Europe or because Trump calls them ugly names? Lesley Marie so u are saying there are over 400,000 here illegally? that is the problem. Victoria Troyan Zajack you are assuming a lot from people you don’t even know. Buy this shirt:  Saints We were Robbed sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Los Angeles Scams sweater

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Stephanie  Carrión  They  weren’t granted  citizenship right the Los Angeles Scams sweater, there became legal residents and then had to go through essentially the same process as always to become citizens, learn English take classes and pass a test. They also had to take an oath and sign a document under oath that they were no longer loyal to their former country. Casey  Rodriguez  I would think that anyone in that situation, should be very vocal in their own country, and warn them not to illegally cross into the United States, and put their  chiildren  through all of the turmoil. Buy this shirt:  Los Angeles Scams sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Saints refs blew dat sweater

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Thomas Pochowicz Nobody is Saints refs blew dat sweater. But you can bet that he, just like the previous administrations did nothing to control or enforce the law’s of immigration. Now we have someone in office that is for the American people and is catching all sorts flack for enforcing the law’s of the immigration policies. Daniela  Beacorn  You have a valid point. What is the American language? Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Islamic,  Musilum ? None of these learn  English  language,  apparently  you have never been to foreign soil where you HAD to learn  thier  language and customs to survive and just common courtesy. Buy this shirt:  Saints refs blew dat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Bigfoot under the moonlight sweater

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They loved this Bigfoot under the moonlight sweater. They went to night school to learn English, studied, and became American citizens. In those days, English was the only language the test was given in. Now the citizenship test is given in approximately 122 different languages. So, we have lost the unifying power of language. Through hard work, and taking nothing from their new country, they became very successful farmers and had a dairy. My Noni told me once, that becoming a U.S. citizen was so dear to her. Buy this shirt:  Bigfoot under the moonlight sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Apollo XI 50th anniversary sweater

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My mother came into the states on an Apollo XI 50th anniversary sweater, she heard about it, she signed up to be a permanent resident and now an American citizen. Why can’t they do the same? They had 25 years to get off that program and become residents or American citizens. Please drop the superiority bs. Maybe your family was able to do what they did. Others, for various reasons, have not been able to. Don’t judge. Mary Gonzalez, Please explain to me what has changed. The immigration policy has not changed. The only thing that I have seen changed is the lack of enforcement, the lack of following the due process. Buy this shirt:  Apollo XI 50th anniversary sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Don’t mess with Mamasaurus you’ll get Jurakicked sweater

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My Grandparents were illegals and Don’t mess with Mamasaurus you’ll get Jurakicked sweater – Ellis Island then became US citizens; paid taxes and NEVER accepted nor needed Govt aide – learned our language and opened a corner store and raised 4 children and all went to private schools – do the right thing! Be legal. Linda Thurston this is the definition of an illegal immigrant “ illegal immigrant someone who lives or works in another country when they do not have the legal right to do this” My grandparents went through Ellis Island, as well. Buy this shirt:  Don’t mess with Mamasaurus you’ll get Jurakicked sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater

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I had a goat like that Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater. Still, have him. He was bad about doing the same thing. I drew back and slapped the living shit out of him. Haven’t had a problem since. Sweetest goat you ever met. I generally take the side of the animal in  mist  given situations. But I would probably bury a knife in this assholes skull and have a bbq. You put a bullet in that bitch. Doesn’t matter. Goat nothing. Goat dead. Food for a hungry Family Reunion. Goat everything. Lil mother fucker needs to be put back in his enclosure. Buy this shirt:  Beauty and the Beast Belle baseball sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Zombie my heart is yours sweater

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The man who helped that Zombie my heart is  yours  sweater. She just left after the Goat changed the target to the man who helped her. Grab that goat by the neck and bring it to the ground. And hogtie that bitch. Why isn’t anyone tackling the goat? Seriously! Take him down. We are the more empowered species in this instance. Never look them in the eye. That goes for most animals. It means your challenging them. I so want to slaughter this goat to feed its victims. All those yummy recipes that can be prepared. Buy this shirt:  Zombie my heart is  yours  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Fallout I am special sweater

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He would have been laying in the Fallout I am  special  sweater. I want to have some goat in our garden resort but now I’m not so sure anymore. I am not a south Indian and due to the recent haterade that has developed among the fans of these two actors has only made you people to show the level of stupidity that you people have. You people have become nothing but a pile of laughing stock and this would lead to nothing. Buy this shirt:  Fallout I am  special  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Daft Punk Around the world sweater

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From what I see, that goat/sheep is Daft Punk Around the world sweater. He just teaching them how to run and exercise cus they all fat! I was trying to find something the video that identifies it’s location and then I saw the car plate is Brazilian. Not difficult to assume it’s in the northeast of Brazil. The goat isn’t being treated kindly, so it acts before anyone can hurt it. I’d love to have a go at sitting near it and being kind to it. Maybe I am wrong but I’d have a go. We were driving home one day and our neighbor’s billygoat had pinned an unsuspecting tourist against a fence post. Buy this shirt:  Daft Punk Around the world sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Official Burn Bundy burn sweater

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I shouldn’t laugh but this is Official Burn Bundy burn sweater. I hope no one hurt him because of his meanness. Maybe he just wanted someone to play with. Charge it right back. A lot of time that works. Or Next, grab one ear and chin and flip he will leave ya alone after that and it won’t do damage. I’d call the cop’s first to take care of the problem if that didn’t work then I’d get my gun and shoot it the way it was bullying everyone. It looks like the mother of the baby goats was overprotective or she was angry the people did not give her anything to eat. Buy this shirt:  Official Burn Bundy burn sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Totoro drinking Dutch Bros coffee sweater

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My aunt in Germany had a Totoro drinking Dutch Bros coffee sweater, I was so afraid of him, I run to the chicken area to go up to the garden. And he attacked me all the time, it was the only way to go to the beautiful garden with fruit trees. And vineyard. Mikala Jones, I laughed harder than I should’ve. And drooled on me. looks like we’re not the only ones with a goat problem. Oh, you guy’s I kinda feel a little sorry for the goat he looks like there is something bothering him. Buy this shirt:  Totoro drinking Dutch Bros coffee sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Patriots bet against us sweater

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Stop turning around and Patriots bet against us sweater. It does not look like it charges if they keep their back to it. I wish I could do the commentary on this. It would be like, OK Lissa, this to new boo huh? Oh, where you think y’all going? Boom! Okay, who else was on the animal’s side when people kept kicking and pushing him? Simple solution, kick the goat more than once. Or tranquilize and contain it. Waving it away, kicking it and running away, or telling it “no” simply aren’t working. I have a great solution to stop this goat from terrorizing this town. Buy this shirt:  Patriots bet against us sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Frida Kahlo Ask me about my feminist agenda sweater

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That awkward moment when you’re reading this Frida Kahlo Ask me about my feminist agenda sweater, and still you’re reading this comment and you’re starting to realize it says nothing important and you just wasted a couple of seconds of your life but you’re still reading and you don’t even know why. That’s awkward. You should give me a like for wasting your time and you’re gonna copy and paste this. I saw this on YouTube; it’s crazy. I’m surprised that no one punched him in the face or hit him with their bag or something. Buy this shirt:  Frida Kahlo Ask me about my feminist agenda sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Around the world harder better faster stronger don’t punk sweater

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Goats can ‘f’ you up. When mine starts acting like this Around the world harder better faster stronger don’t  punk  sweater. He is over 6 feet when he stands on his hind legs and weighs over 250 pounds. The background music though, so creepy. And another thing, that guy with what looks like a gun on his side, why not just shoot the damn thing? I love animals right, but if I ever happened to stumble across that goat, I would find the nearest metal thick tube, wack its head and body, out-maneuvering the useless shit. Buy this shirt:  Around the  world  harder better faster stronger don’t  punk  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Chihuahua life is good sweater

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We used to have a Chihuahua life is  good  sweater. And cause chaos whenever it escaped. And got into the house. I remember at Easter. When lots of daffodils had been placed in different rooms it got in. And rushing around eating them. It chased me into the boot room. And I climbed up onto a dresser top to avoid being butted! Knock the goat onto its side and put a hand on its neck and one on its body holding it down and it will not try to attack you anymore. Buy this shirt:  Chihuahua life is  good  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater

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Brandi St John Snyder her Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater. A friend told her she should sell it, and the only way she could is if she changed the names. Boom fifty shades of grey were born. Ramanda Waller twilight was originally twilight, fifty was masters of the universe. Twilight came to Meyer in a dream. I’ve been writing wholesome children’s stories for over 30 years and can’t get published, yet SHE writes trashy, crappy stuff and BOOM! Instant millionaire! Maybe I should switch genres? I was interested when book one was released. But when I read the cheesy 70s romance novel names. Buy this shirt:  Harry Potter the shortening hat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater

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I adored this Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater! After 7 back surgeries myself, I used to be a great dancer, still, post surgeries and with extreme back pain will bust out in dance every once in a while when no one is around it may not be as pretty as it used to be, but it does help me cope too. Dance like no one is watching (just remember to set the camera up first) Seriously, great inspiring story. Life on a farm. Nice moves! Anyone that can be sexy dancing in rubber barn boots and calm the goats has my vote!! Buy this shirt:  Daddy is my Valentine Elephant sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater

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It’s fiction, not an Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater! I view it as a love story with a little kink! I have a soft spot for the books for my own reasons but I do think research would have made better books. Debbie Wright A love story featuring rape, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting and controlling behavior. That isn’t loving or a healthy relationship. It’s amazing how much writing has changed over the years. Such as publishers publishing books that are badly written with non-existent editing. Nicole Simpson ugh don’t remind people of that. Buy this shirt:  Ace Venture Bat shikaka sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Come to the math side we have pi sweater

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Dude rocks! He can dance and Come to the math side we have  pi  sweater! Dancing breaks would make the workday much more fun! You can make the best of any situation and what a captive audience. Music is a mood changer a natural drug positive thinking love this and his choice of music. Very cute!!! Just never go see Sia in concert it’s boring. We paid a lot for our tickets and Sia stood in same spot entire concert with her big blond wig. Buy this shirt:  Come to the math side we have  pi  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater

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This Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater! It hurts me in my heart, and it’s sure not envied. It’s despair and grief for the language and the lack of discernment on the part of readers. I personally don’t like her books but damn Y’all need to chill out. She wrote a story that was good enough to stand alone without amazing writing. I agree her writing isn’t that great but neither is jk Rowling’s. She couldn’t even get her second book published under a pseudonym. These people are successfully doing something they enjoy and ripping them apart because of envy is sad. Buy this shirt:  Dirk Verbeuren Dirk Blast sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My years are divided into two seasons camping shirt

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You made the My years are divided into two seasons camping shirt. I was laying in bed feeling bad about always being in pain from many back surgeries and  you  spirit and story moved me. Thank you so much. Lucky goats. I have always loved the farmer. Everyone knows they are the backbone of this country. We see the character of this man ,He  has back problems, surgery ,pain  and he continues to work and will always be the reason God made the farmer. Buy this shirt:  My years are divided into two seasons camping shirt From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I will read books on a boat I will read books with a goat sweater

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How this I will read books on a boat I will read books with a goat sweater, I have no idea! Her writing is juvenile at best. With the stop, start does a sentence. Her structure, shallow characters, etc. Honestly, it makes me sad that people pay to buy what she wrote. I have written fan fiction before and sorry, but it was better than the junk she put out. But I do have to give her kudos. She is doing what she wants & people buy it. So good for her, but still don’t get why people think she is some phenomenal writer. Buy this shirt:  I will read books on a boat I will read books with a goat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m your huckleberry sweater

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Everyone who’s commenting that I’m your huckleberry sweater, yes it’s a well-known fact she wrote fan fiction but doesn’t mean it’s stolen and if Stephanie Meyers thought that then she would have done something. At the end of the day this women is doing something she loves and is making a living out of it whether you like her stuff or not she shouldn’t be torn down or told she’s not something when the fact of the matter is she gets paid to write lol we just got to accept it read it or don’t that’s your personal choice. Buy this shirt:  I’m your huckleberry sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’ve grooved my way to the 100th day sweater

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Also look for Cara dee or the I’ve grooved my way to the 100th day sweater. Granted their stories might have started off as Twilight Fanfiction they are actually really good. So we can overlook that she’s doing something she loves, we can even overlook the fact that her fanfiction got published as a real book while legitimate educated and qualified writers still struggle to get a contract, we can even overlook that this is just porn in paperback. But we can’t overlook that this grade three reading level garbage endorses rape. Buy this shirt:  I’ve grooved my way to the  100th day  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Australian Cattle Heeler Squad sweater

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It’s The Host fan fiction this Australian Cattle Heeler Squad sweater. Aliens take over humans to teach them that light bondage and a bit of spanking is the key to world peace. Her writing is terrible. Not every popular book is well written. And neither is every classic, tbh. You know if you don’t like it you don’t have to read the books. It’s really that simple. Jack Watt, it’s very popular due to people being sexually frustrated and in need of feeling like their situation can change. I ended up skipping the sex and just trying to read the plot but even that was bad. Buy this shirt:  Australian Cattle Heeler Squad sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Patriots AFC championship sweater

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This is not the path to the Patriots AFC championship sweater. We have turned back time to the 19c industrial revolution. The CEO”s  then  as now are back to abusing workers and indenturing them in jobs that are physically demanding with flat nonliving wages. I am reminded of a mid 50’s song sung by Ernie Ford called15 Tons. Look it up on  You Tube . It speaks to the life of an abusive coal mining work culture, low wages, and indentured work conditions. We have gone backward. Trickle down was a lie to those working hard and not seeing themselves moving ahead. Keep exposing this. Buy this shirt:  Patriots AFC championship sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater

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Walmart didn’t hijack small businesses. Small businesses didn’t give the Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater. Jay Smith, I do not agree. Witnessed what happened first hand. I have been in retail management for years. Homogenized buying isn’t always a good thing. Needs of a regional community get neglected. Small towns were targeted to drive out the established competition. Then, after time, Walmart left and small communities had nowhere to shop. Jobs were gone. What did Walmart do to push out the small businesses? Buy this shirt:  Patrick Mahomes Mahomie sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Steelers sweater

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A must watch, the Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Steelers sweater. We need to strengthen our unions and elect politicians that will work for their constituents instead of the greedy corporations and the filthy rich. Love you, Bernie, started up my Politically Potter page recently to fight the fight. I’m gonna meet up with Seth soon to talk about his meeting with you. I’m planning on getting a YouTube channel started to interview people who do not share in my political opinions in hopes of learning from one another. I want to do what I can to make our world a better place. Buy this shirt:  Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Steelers sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Palm angels die punk sweater

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Meantime, there was no one to serve these Palm angels die punk sweater. Bigger is not always better in retail. The looser ended up being the consumer. Other retailers have found mega expansion not always a good decision. Buying and advertising models need to be tailored to climate and lifestyles of regions. Often, the local merchant can better react to local needs. Just saying the mass expansion is not always good for a company or the consumer. Bernie Sanders one of the few politicians who actually still work for the people. But even the corporate media will not give him a voice. Buy this shirt:  Palm angels die punk sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater

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We need to see what can be done about putting an NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater. When the minimum wage does go up, the prices of everything else should not also go up in return to make up for lost profits. Rent should not be so high that we need multiple roommates in order to keep a decent roof over our head, and the cost of buying a house or a car, or going to college, should not put the average Joe into debt for a huge chunk of their lives. Our parents didn’t have it this bad. Buy this shirt:  NFC championship Los Angeles Rams sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater

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It is a Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater. It won’t change sadly. Workers have had any power they once had whittled away. Now businesses here in Australia are complaining that people aren’t spending enough money. They and the federal government are worried about the wage stagnation that they caused. Yet western governments still want taxes reduced for big business. As if that and high immigration rates will solve all economic problems. Inequality is a social disease. It has been caused by those who hold the reins. Buy this shirt:  Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Texans sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

National football champions NDSU sweater

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Our Democracy needs the National football champions NDSU sweater. There are candidates running on the same ideas as him. Our country needs to vote them in. I highly recommend examining the correlation of corporations and staffing agencies or outsourcing to maintain low wages, zero or costly benefits, extremely expensive healthcare and denial of representation such organized labor. Through the use of contracts, contractors are able to circumvent employee rights. Right to work states usually has the highest number of contract workers. Buy this shirt:  National football champions NDSU sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m not a Dom or a sub I’m a video game sweater

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Please let I’m not a Dom or a sub I’m a video game sweater. And our Intelligence Agencies are actively combatting  Psychocyber  Warfare. If they are not, this is terrible. And a huge failure to act. We need informed warnings to Americans on what to look out for to combat being influenced and how to report suspicious activity. Also, please explain why the Director of National Security can say attacks are ongoing when they have been known about for 2 years now. Why isn’t the full weight of the US intelligence capacity effective in combatting this? Buy this shirt:  I’m not a Dom or a sub I’m a video game sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

In case of accident my blood type is Dutch bros coffee sweater

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Back during the In case of  accident  my blood type is  Dutch  bros coffee sweater. American workers and labor r unions were demonized and demoralized by the Republicans. I haven’t forgotten how it felt to make a decent living and how wages have hardly increased since then. The price of everything has skyrocketed since then. Minimum wage should be well over $20.00 per hour. Workers should have decent insurance and a  pitful  little week off with pay once a year at least. If Americans keep letting the ultra-rich run the country we won’t be free people much longer. I hear people complain that Socialism is evil, or Capitalism is evil, marking one or the other as bad. Buy this shirt:  In case of  accident  my blood type is Dutch bros coffee sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m a simple woman I like yoga coffee and cat sweater

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Now you know how I’m a simple woman I like yoga coffee and cat sweater. This will be a problem, especially during elections. The workers abandoning the unions is what caused this. And the worker’s apathy allowing corruption into union leadership is sad. They didn’t have to invade to take over our nation they saved money and a battle they would never win by buying a corrupt government. Our elected officials certainly aren’t working for these people. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like yoga coffee and cat sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/