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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2018

Best friend ever Christmas 2018 sweater

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Both home and Best friend ever Christmas 2018 sweater. Some screen printed and some stitched. For the kids who don’t believe the  nfl  scouts will reach back to your high school to check out your past! Luckily the kid in question was an outstanding Ridge View  student athlete  and will make a great pro! This is really what I expect from the offense if Rodgers isn’t running around making crazy throws. McCarthy has never been a great play caller. Same whack ass offense he had in San Francisco. Rodgers has carried this dope. Against the Green Bay Packers, Schotty continued giving a struggling Russell Wilson easy reads and throws. Buy this shirt:  Best friend ever Christmas 2018 sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

My ugly sweater is the better than yours sweater

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Men and My ugly sweater  is  the better than  yours  sweater are just different. A one size fits all approach is a lovely fairy  tail  but completely impractical and detrimental. And even a big headache for us women. You talk about patriarchy like men had this all planned out to make women’s lives miserable, to control us. Just remember that throughout history when the ship started sinking, it’s us women that were saved first while the men waited for death.  Anyway  it was really nice talking to you, you look lovely in niqab. Dealing with the genders is just different. I’ll give you a simple example of my immediate family. My female  in laws  can be really mean, jealous, nasty and even completely oppressive. Everything is a story that needs to be spread and changed and no matter what I do it can’t please anyone. Buy this shirt:  My ugly sweater is the better than  yours  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Grumpy cat meowy Christmas your gift is in the litter box sweater

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Now I’m finally starting to see Grumpy cat meowy Christmas your gift is in the litter box sweater never did anything against that feeling, never made me feel special, and that I’m now better off losing negative energy and nothing more. Now I don’t listen even to people in the house. They are not the one to help me grow. People who grew with the right people to help them grow are very lucky. some people are only striking your faults as if they can help. It should be, even at your mistake or  wrongness  they show Love You in it. I know what I’m and that’s enough.I’ve been taught this by my parents from my childhood. Everyone differs from each other and everyone has its own values. Accept this and be more friendly and familiar to all. Buy this shirt:  Grumpy cat meowy Christmas your gift is in the litter box sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Grinch Trump make Christmas great again sweater

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How would he like Grinch Trump make Christmas great again sweater if his wife, daughter, sister, mom was called a hooker when they were not! He owes her an apologize now and then he needs to slink back under the rock he slithered out from under. Are you absolutely sure that this is not true wonder what her first date with the orange buffoon was like can’t imagine they just had a quiet dinner and talked with his ego that would not have been  enough.  How do you believe anything? Courtney Smith is probably the dumbest person I’ve heard of in a long time. If your husband is beating on you, you should tell his boss? I know there isn’t a law for stupidity, but in this  case  there should be. If your house is on fire call Urban Meyer. Courtney Smith  grow  up. Buy this shirt:  Grinch Trump make Christmas great again sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

I’m Christmas baby Groot sweater

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Atticus Finch is I’m Christmas baby Groot sweater real a Shameless Santa  claus   christmas  sweater. I seriously wish we could just snuff these shameless bastards. Cultivating new voters. A shameless political stunt ala Libous and Akshar. Perpetual campaign mode. “Wants, needs expectations”? Get a Santa Claus costume. Eliot Ness was a spy! Santa Claus is a burglar! Coordinated talking points intended to denigrate a fundamental aspect of law enforcement are transparently stupid and shameless. Liberals Exploit Santa Claus to Push the Global Warming Hoax on Kids. Shameless. The idiot was foolishly replying me . Pple  saw the tweets and reported her na. Me I dnt  hv  that time to report. I dnt block trolls .They  block me .I  go very low ,I  won’t bow to bully. What “Guerilla tactics” can this shameless Gorilla use. Buy this shirt:  I’m Christmas baby Groot sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Santa bro do you even gift sweater

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Guinea pigs are so docile and trusting that Santa bro do you even gift sweater can take taken advantage of. They’d be good pets! I tried teaching my guinea pigs a few tricks and they solidly ignored everything. I have a suspicion that my boys are not the brightest light bulbs. I wish you all the best. You are my hero. Awesome I love it, I got a Guinea pig his name is Milo. He’s almost 2 yrs old, love him so much I’ll have him until it’s his time to go. If you protect guinea pigs ,protect  also all other animals we  comsume  every day! In  peru , people with leaving remote areas eat them Roast n also the tourist! Thank you so much for doing what you do for these precious little animals! God bless you! Buy this shirt:  Santa bro do you even gift sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Nutty Griswold Christmas 1989 sweater

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If you read the Nutty Griswold Christmas 1989 sweater it states the people that drove him to the island could be pressed with murder charges. They knew the island is off limits. Like I asked someone  else,  if you’re against religions sharing information, do you get equally as outraged by other groups who impose their beliefs on others, groups like the American Atheist Association or the American Humanist Association? How about spy agencies like the CIA who sometimes infiltrate countries posing as English as a foreign language teachers? Simple just like when you don’t like a drink  then  you stop drinking it. You are an exact reason why she needs protection. This is why I love hijab. Why must her beauty be a reason? It’s not even relevant. Buy this shirt:  Nutty Griswold Christmas 1989 sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Cookie sweet Christmas sweater

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Kanye west You are Santa’s favorite Ho I love it Cookie sweet Christmas sweater. I agree this abuse of men is very real. I too have a son who in Kanye west You are Santa’s favorite Ho I love it shirt gets abused and threatened with calling the cops. Kanye west You are Santa’s favorite Ho I love it  sweat shirt . You sit there & watch me drown, struggling for air, but I’d still give you my last breath & that’s why I’m fucked up. I love It Christmas T-Shirt opportunity came up I seized it .Something  for Grandma, ya know? Julie Andrews is every Disney CM’s adoptive Grandma, and that’s just a fact. I know just hit me with  a “ I’m here for you if you need. Anyways I just opened the fridge and a full bottle of Martinelli’s landed on my foot. Buy this shirt:  Cookie sweet Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Break out the fat pants sweater

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Their voice spake for itself great Break out the fat pants sweater Caleb keep doing what  your  doing I know your gonna win! I like Caleb and his story voice is good, but Maddie has the edge. She is so unique. Caleb sounds like so many other country singers. He is a cutie though. Both he and Maddie are class acts. I have never in my life seen so many negative comments about all of the contestants on here. It’s a tv show if this is the biggest thing you’re worried about then you need to get outside more often. It hurt because we were at war. So I prayed for your safe return and he answered my prayers. I thank you for your  service,  and was so ecstatic for your safe return. I’ll always love, mom and dad. Buy this shirt:  Break out the fat pants sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Single and ready to jingle sweater

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I lowered the Single and ready to jingle sweater and then I pressed down full throttle in reverse. My big engine screamed and I felt the boat lift at the rear. I pulled away from the  sand bar  and took off for the Hospital by water. Mako had never moved so fast and my body was coming down from the  adrinialine  rush and the pain in my body became reality.  Week  later I was in the Hospital in a coma from some type of infection in my body. My immune system had attacked my body and shut me down. I helped him to the mangrove tree’s and I lifted him up onto the  sea wall  on my shoulder. He was at the time. My other brother came sliding into the mangrove tree’s in his truck and we loaded our brother in the truck. Buy this shirt:  Single and ready to jingle sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Will Ferrell and Grinch squadgoals sweater

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Why no Who’s reacting when he just passes by in town and Will Ferrell and Grinch squadgoals sweater? Arent, they suppose to be afraid of him or whatever? Why can he just pass by without any reaction makes me angry honestly? I really have à bad feeling about this movie. Even if Cumberbatch is a great actor!  Good  actor doesn’t good Movie. So I’m genuinely confused as to why they decided to make the Grinch welcome in Whoville. Like, I don’t really mind a remake, or Benderwick Cucumberpatch playing him, but the entire point of the Grinch is that Whoville hates and fears him. Everyone having Member Berries for the Jim Carey version need to go back and rewatch it. Now that I have a 3 years old daughter we tried rewatching it this year, and woof. It didn’t age well. Buy this shirt:  Will Ferrell and Grinch squadgoals sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Elf son of a nutcracker sweater

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Short term or long term. Patriotism is Elf son of a nutcracker sweater our blood. No matter where a Marine is in their life, I really can’t imagine many of us not answering that call. I’m only a 4 year Marine but I feel every time I hear one of the brothers have been hurt or lost their lives defending the promise we made we made as young men. And I would still stand in the way to make sure my Marines made it home. Happy early Birthday to all Marines that have made the sacrifice for those who may never know. It hurt because we were at war. So I prayed for your safe return and he answered my prayers. I thank you for your service and was so ecstatic for your safe return. I’ll always love, mom and dad. Buy this shirt:  Elf son of a nutcracker sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dreaming of a Hogwarts Christmas sweater

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You bear would  have  know that Dreaming of a Hogwarts Christmas sweater right up to his passing away 1 month before his 93 rd birthday this last April he was a loving Daddy with a big heart and a very great and also dry  since  of humor! He lived life at its fullest. Honor this day as it comes every year and I will be faithful to this day. Love you all. Bless you  men and women  100 years ago your colleagues died for our freedom. They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate. My Daddy was I always knew he was in the Marine Corp. I did not hear him talk about his experience’s until the last 5 years he was  a  live . He wrote a memoir of his experience’s which he gave copies to his 6 children. Buy this shirt:  Dreaming of a Hogwarts Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry Christmas you filthy muggle sweater

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Is anyone else just reading through all the Merry Christmas you filthy muggle sweater for god knows what reason because you’re just nosey about what people have got to say about this video? It’s not working because he is hesitating. Look at his arms trying to protect himself. It’s all about belief. This is animal abuse. And those involved should be reported for cruelty to animals. You can tell he is distressed. And uncomfortable. Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Brad’s wife was fired from cracker barrel after faithful years of service. Sometimes, whenever I eat M&Ms, I like to hold two m&m’s in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one m&m cracks. I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn’t crack becomes the champion. Then I grab the other m&m and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of m&m gladiators. Buy this shirt:  Merry Christmas you filthy muggle sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Lit Af green lumberjack Christmas tree sweater

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Something for Lit Af green lumberjack Christmas tree sweater. Learn how Novus Cannabis MedPlan a health plan to lower the cost of cannabis meds, learn more. In the tree limbs to the left is a scent stick spray down with BWDL apple scent, needless to say, the corn isn’t the only thing luring the deer in the field! The tree isn’t the only thing lit this year! All 5 Spencer’s Workshop locations are now open for biz! Check out our new Xmas stores. Breeding in captivity isn’t going to save species, waking up to the damage we are causing is the only thing that will. Funny Christmas sweater t-shirt women graphic tee teen clothes teenager gift for her women t-shirt the tree isn’t the only thing getting lit. Items are only really relevant in a battle tree or wifi and the only real reason you need comp items for the tree is if you play wifi which isn’t a thing in this game. Buy this shirt:  Lit Af green lumberjack Christmas tree sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Kanye West you’re Santa’s favorite ho I love it sweater

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Kanye’s a strange guy but that’s Kanye West you’re Santa’s favorite ho I love it sweater you separate the art from the artist and If you don’t like the art or the artist that doesn’t make him pathetic and talentless either…when you say stuff like that it shows more about you and your ability to open up to different genres, people than it does about Kanye. Roger Austwol He’s a producer and rapper, besides his words the studio is his instrument both take quite a lot of skill/talent/practice and deserve to be acknowledged as so. Roger Austwol this mentality is so dumb. If everyone could do it he wouldn’t be famous. If it is so simple you should put away your instrument and do this to become a millionaire. Also, shame on you for making me defend this very talented D bag. Buy this shirt:  Kanye West you’re Santa’s favorite ho I love it sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Flossin’ through the snow sweater

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Be sure to always get to bed early and Flossin’ through the snow sweater a good breakfast! Then your brain is ready to take on the world! You will grow stronger and smarter each day! Have your ears on for your teachers. They work hard to help you learn! We have had a tremendous response since our Facebook page was launched. Thanks to each of you for your likes and shares! Visiting with you through the months of November and December is going to be so much fun! We look forward to seeing each of your beautiful smiles. With so many toys to be made everyone must be on their toes. Part of my job is making sure Santa and the elves eat and sleep when they need to. Sometimes they are so busy in the workshops and with daylight hours long as they are at the North Pole it’s difficult to get them in for dinner and bedtime. They are such a busy crew! Buy this shirt:  Flossin’ through the snow sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Happy Holidays from Dunder Mifflin paper company sweater

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False, Stanley would have neither the Happy Holidays from Dunder Mifflin paper company sweater nor inclination to participate in a group chat unless he needed a clue for his crossword puzzle. My all-time favorite series. I’ve watched it a bazillion times and always laugh. It’s my cure-all for when I’m having a bad day. I can honestly relate to every character which is troubling, to say the least, lol. I wish there were more episodes to watch on repeat. I’m afraid to see what’s on creed’s thoughts. I know it’s really just a word document. I heard it was shocking. Remember when you guys made Dunder-Mifflin Infinity and people logged into fake branches and did fake work at a fake paper company, alongside their real jobs. Buy this shirt:  Happy Holidays from Dunder Mifflin paper company sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Santa’s favorite ho sweater

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Angie Teater actually this Santa’s favorite ho sweater he tried, however, the fisherman. And anyone involved in him going there can. Angie Teater, it was illegal the missionary was trespassing they warned him several times it’s dangerous he went there at his own risk of losing his life. Rob Bristow, He committed suicide for all intents. And purposes. He was informed of the risk. He knew it was illegal, even approaching the island at night to avoid being seen by Indian authorities. It would be no different had he walked in front of a moving train thinking his “higher belief” would protect him. Angie Teater which makes me wonder the belief. And thinking of civilized men seems more primitive and rudimentary than those who haven’t heard about Christianity and all that. Buy this shirt:  Santa’s favorite ho sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

All I want for Christmas is Snow sweater

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How much did this All I want for Christmas is Snow sweater cost and who paid. This was a very expensive cure for depression. How many could have had life-saving cancer treatment, prenatal care, Or was it a chance for the doctors to practice. This woman is my hero. I truly admire her strength in overcoming all the obstacles and be a role model for all of us. I understand well because I also have clinical depression and people can’t understand that when depression arises there’s nothing under human control because it’s something that it disguises more powerful than even hope. Praying for this woman for the wonderful gifts of life she deserves! Turning around her life and helping others who are depressed is admirable. Ignore the comments that are less than grateful for your recovery. I applaud you. Buy this shirt:  All I want for Christmas is Snow sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Leg lamp Kentucky sweater

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The iron is the Leg lamp Kentucky sweater reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the iron to be my greatest friend never freaks out on me, never runs. I do it one a week to maintain the gains I made over the years, but that shit is awful. You can’t see shit above his knees. how do you judge somebody’s leg size by their calves alone? ridiculous. and they aren’t even that small. people have gone overboard with the leg hate. it’s insane now. The Iron never lies, girls may come and go, but two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds. Buy this shirt:  Leg lamp Kentucky sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Love is not getting divorced after trying to park the camper sweater

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Keep listening and Love is not getting divorced after trying to park the camper sweater and respect those with a different opinion. I love these two classy people. It’s so reassuring to see that there are still lots of good humans in this country! They are a reflection of the US that most of us would like to see return we are not all vulgar and illiterate, world! I will always remember Obama’s first inauguration when he and Michelle escorted the Bushes for their farewell flight on Marine One. I lipped read George saying to Michelle to enjoy this, you will have the time of your lives. Very classy. The hardest and proudest day of my life was the day I waved my son off to claim his yellow footprints. Well, I thought that was my proudest day until I began to learn more about your Honor, Courage. Buy this shirt:  Love is not getting divorced after trying to park the camper sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Don’t stop retrievin’ sweater

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I should preface this Don’t stop retrievin’ sweater they should only wear such things for very short periods of time while getting used to it. But this is not cruelty. Shaving your cat for non-medical reasons is cruel. Starving your cat is cruel. Declawing your cat is cruel. Throwing a cat from a car is cruel. Putting a sweater on it is not. They may not like it and you may want to take that into consideration, but it is not cruelty. This is not animal cruelty. It’s not even close. It’s normal for a cat to freeze and flop when a sweater or vest is put on them if they are not used to it. There is a product out there called a Thunder Shirt that is designed to calm anxious kitties and it is pretty effective for many by simulating how they feel all tucked up in a den. Buy this shirt:  Don’t stop retrievin’ sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch stole my boobs sweater

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From the way it looks she must have been a The Grinch stole my boobs sweater and they just work for free so basically she didn’t lose out on anything except a Headache but in the end they both were wrong for as she was walking away she should’ve kept walking on and got her escorted out by the Security Guard. The fighting over merchandise and the brawls. Walmart and it’s customers are not like that up here in Canada, at least none of the ones I’ve been too. I love how when there is a fight, some older woman will always say, stop fighting and put a hand on one of the fighter’s arms or shoulders, like she has the holy power to calm someone down with just saying stop fighting. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch stole my boobs sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker sweater

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The scene of the Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker sweater dog in the woods reminds me if childhood days I’ve rescued a few strays my day bless this one. This video was about rescuing this precious dog and her puppies, what’s with all the name calling and political comments. This was a happy ending. But for so many dogs that will never no. That happy ending because there is nobody to help them. Just when they need help. The cat may not like it and the owners should consider that next time they think about putting clothing on the cat, but is it not cruel. The cat is not being harmed in any way. This cat is clearly well loved and taken care of. Buy this shirt:  Druncle like a normal uncle only drunker sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Draunt like a normal aunt only drunker sweater

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I use to have Draunt like a normal aunt only drunker sweater raccoons such big babies but we lived out in the country and had a ton of land, all kinds of animals. This is an absolute disgrace what we are witnessing every day, every day he is getting bolder and bolder because he has! And then we see people voting for this party. Absolutely disgraceful. This country is a disgrace. Maria Calaway Trump is a disgrace to the American people, he is the biggest liar that the civilized world has ever seen, I hope America will recover after he does his damage. The press should walk out, all he spouts is lies. Won’t answer any questions. Doesn’t have the decency to listen to other people just spouts fake news. The press should refer to him as. Buy this shirt:  Draunt like a normal aunt only drunker sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Rainy days fun home tattoo kit sweater

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Every human has a Rainy  days  fun home tattoo kit sweater, an upbringing, a reason for why they are the way they are. Isn’t that interesting?!!! Isn’t that what people should be more fascinated in? In a world of full of algorithms, hashtags, likes and who’s got more followers. Don’t you realize that human connection is the purpose and the result of a meaningful life? But I really appreciate those times you talk to us in your unaltered state. I took you on a roller coaster ride down memory lane today for on Snapchat and Instagram stories. Even though you all only saw a second of each moment, and a brief detail caption, for me it was a whirlwind of memories, and still there is so much you don’t even know! Buy this shirt:  Rainy days fun home tattoo kit sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Death in my metal not in my meals sweater

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You might appreciate the Death in my metal not in my meals sweater but it makes the car worse in performance. So to me. Wack. Not being hateful. Do you. That’s just my opinion. I respect it more when this style of car is just cruising. That kind of makes sense to me. Same with the low riders. In a way, I can understand why it looks cool. I could see bitches feeling it. It just seems silly to put all that power into the car when you’re wheels and tires do the exact opposite if you wanna go fast. Make sure you look at the app first tons of bad reviews saying that the lights are okay but the app doesn’t connect you can’t do anything your just spending a lot of money on lights that you can’t even do anything with. Buy this shirt:  Death in my metal not in my meals sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dear Santa I tried to be good but I take after uncle sweater

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I won’t stop believing in you Dear Santa I tried to be good but I take after uncle sweater. Just like I won’t stop believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, Goku, the noid. I won’t stop believing in you Vince young. Streets are named after saints in our village. I’m waiting for 2 more streets to be named after Santa Claus and San Goku. Fell asleep during a Robot Chicken Marathon. I woke up to Goku & Gohan throwing fireballs at Santa Claus. This is quality TV. A product we sell well. Christmas is coming, you can put it anywhere in the house, it is small but very bright, the night is shining with beautiful lights! Santa Claus With Reindeer, Snowman And Penguin Vec tor I llustration. Look who is stopping by for a visit. Buy this shirt:  Dear Santa I tried to be good but I take after uncle sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal sweater

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Either at The Merry Christmas ya filthy animal sweater or still in Northern Ireland at The World of Owls. Shall we take this out for a run and just see if Facebook can, indeed, make a difference? Replying to us would be brilliant but to get our male owl back you will, please, have to address the guys who are holding it hostage. Our girls are sitting in Italy, laying eggs for no reason, and this species could be finally extinct if you guys don’t help us. Ant story made me smile. I had an ant hitch a ride on my car the other day. No idea where he got on or off. But I also wondered how he would do without his tribe! As people left the park after Britney Spears finished, we all expected people to make their way straight to the station. Buy this shirt:  Merry Christmas ya filthy animal sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Glass of wine let’s get blitzened sweater

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Am I supposed to find this Glass of wine let’s get  blitzened  sweater and adorable? You’re automating people’s jobs. Having chicks looking perky doesn’t make it any less of an asshole move. Shame on you. Shame! You make a very good point Josh, but somehow I doubt that those folks will be getting tips, and I imagine it’ll be the bare minimum of staff. I’m really worried about my friends in the service industry when I see stuff like this. Michela Repele I worked at a wine dive before where we used 2 aromatics like this. We still had staff and received tips. I’m sure that it being a wine resort, they don’t get the standard server pay. This is a larger setup than normal. Most restaurants only have aromatics. Buy this shirt:  Glass of wine let’s get  blitzened  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dear Santa my brother did it sweater

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Being able to live without the Dear Santa my brother did it sweater of receiving back is a most selfless act. There are angels on earth. This is real. Last year I had a layaway at toysrus and an anonymous person paid all the layaways! The joy of giving still thankful for that humble surprise. This happens just about every year. I believe its one of the billionaire owners of Walmart? Either way, God bless him. Go, Patriots!!! The best fans ever!!! What a great thing to do!! Thank you from one Patriot Fan to another!! Happy Holidays!! Paying it forward, kindness gets kindness. He will be Blessed whoever he is. There are Angels walking this Earth. Someday I aspire to do this for others. God bless this man. I bet he follows Dave Ramsey. Buy this shirt:  Dear Santa my brother did it  sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dachshund snow Christmas sweater

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He is so cute. My family had Dachshund snow Christmas sweater when I was a child – Fritz and Willie Gus. They were members of the family. Your little guy will bring you years of joy. Reminded me of my 2 blk and tan minis. They’ve since crossed over the Rainbow. I’m sure they’re playing together and getting into some kind of mischief, as only our beloved Doxies can. Must be computer generated, my dox won’t walk on damp concrete let alone snow. My Dachshund hates going out in rain, cold and snow, in fact, she doesn’t like going for any walk really. I had two long haired that enjoyed it like that but my short haired one doesn’t want anything to do with the snow. My Maggi loves the snow even though her nipples get really really cold that’s the part of being a dachshund that sucks for her. Buy this shirt:  Dachshund snow Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Dachshund Christmas moon sweater

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The hopping is Dachshund Christmas moon sweater many small breed dogs do. Sometimes it’s related to a kneecap issue, but not always. Yes exactly. Never bothered me, and have done it since a puppy. More habit than anything now I believe. The best looking dog I’ve seen all day! Very handsome and talented too. Crusoe steals the show! There would be no show if not for him! Funny thing, I’ve never really seen cacti before, so I’ve been trying to pee on them like regular trees and don’t understand when Mum tells me not to! You’re so close to Vegas! Please make a pitstop…my doxie girls think you’re a hottie Cru. Enjoy your stay there Crusoe, it’s a beautiful place. Rosy didn’t watch, silly girl, she’s asleep beside me. Buy this shirt:  Dachshund Christmas moon sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Chihuahua Christmas moon sweater

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When it’s a small dog that Chihuahua Christmas moon sweater like this its considered cute and ok but god forbid its a big dog or a pit they are considered dangerous. My dogs can be psychotic, which means I limit their interactions with other dogs or with humans. I wouldn’t get rid of them or put them down, they are seniors and get cranky as older people or I do. You guys are amazing Keep doing what you do. No one knows what that cranky little gramps went through. I love people who are so quick to throw the first stone. I’m sorry but my Chihuahua is 14 years old, is old and grumpy and has never acted this way. This type of behavior should never be tolerated in any dog, even if they are 3 pounds. Buy this shirt:  Chihuahua Christmas moon sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Schnauzer snow Christmas sweater

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A throwback to that Schnauzer snow Christmas sweater time when my puppy had his first encounter with a cat at my friend’s birthday party. And it scratched his eyeball. Scary stuff, the blood was so red. He’s fine though. It was on the white of his eye. And it healed up pretty fast just a little knick. Haven’t met too many cats afterward to be able to tell. If he tolerates them well enough or not yet lol. This is very appropriate as I am about to meet my grand puppy who weighs in at 6 and 1-2 lbs and he and Amahl will be meeting for the first time. Oscar is a miniature Australian sheepdog and I may have to dognap him! That was absolutely adorable but be careful if that cat has claws and they’re going to play like that one day that dogs I could be missing I actually watch it happen as a child it isn’t pretty. Buy this shirt:  Schnauzer snow Christmas sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

We’re more than just wine friends we’re like a really small gang sweater

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I’ve actually seen the We’re more than just wine friends we’re like a really small gang sweater of these machines on the inside and you’d be surprised. The mold alone is a red flag among the tubing and the rest of the filtering components. You’re better off sliding your ATM card among a butt crack. Trust me, you deserve better quality wine than what’s presented among these machines especially at that price. From the bottle only. Cheers. Totally agree with you. This has gone bloody far. Wine is a special drink that shouldn’t be served or dispensed by a machine. We should have those machines in all international airport, work well for who have a long waiting connection flight. Buy this shirt:  We’re more than just wine friends we’re like a really small gang sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Maltese Christmas light sweater

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Well, we have Lulu who was a Maltese Christmas light sweater. Her claim to fame is her ears and her outgoing personality. She is part Papillon and part Terrier. Just love her to pieces. He would look cute with big ears! We got him groomed and cut his hair short so now he has little teddy bear ears!!! Lol, he is a cutie patootie. Nobody needs one of these crazy designer dogs. Yes, he’s adorable, obviously, but the first thing I think of is not how cute he looks but how selfish it is to breed animals for their looks when there are so many other homeless ones in the world desperately in need of homes. Breeding is so unbelievably irresponsible. This post was not a debate about adoption vs purchase, it was simply a picture of an adorable dog and its ears. Period. Buy this shirt:  Maltese Christmas light sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Charlie Brown Snoopy and friends Christmas time is here sweater

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Snoopy puts on a lot of stuff a lot of the Charlie Brown Snoopy and friends Christmas time is  here  sweater. The cartoon dog question that always bothered ME was this – Pluto’s a dog, right? Goofy’s a dog, right? So how come Goofy wears clothes and Pluto doesn’t?! The importance of a good imagination. One summer day when a friend of mine and I couldn’t afford to go to Paris, we pretended to be in Paris and dawdled at cafes in our town. We had a great time. That’s an ocean sport baby pools just dream ha ha imagination is the cat’s meow hang onto it as long as you can. The good old days when cartoons were simple and entertaining! You go Snoopy, hang ten with the best of them! I remember reading Peanuts comic books on summer days like this. Buy this shirt:  Charlie Brown Snoopy and friends Christmas time is here sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

Snowman drink up snowmies sweater

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Reminds me of Snowman drink up snowmies sweater I am volunteering at San Mateo feed and playing with the kittens in the kitty yoga room and one of the kittens named Sissi plays w/ my ponytail. I used to get my moms phone to watch these videos all night long lol. Jesus has been very by. Cos in this video almost everyone is calling out to him. This reminds me of that time when we were in New York with the iron status and when he moved I jumped and dropped my phone. I seriously thought the grandmas were gonna have a heart attack. This is so funny; when I first started to read Mr. Nesbo’s books, without even knowing how Mr. Nesbo looks alike. Buy this shirt:  Snowman drink up snowmies sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Oklahoma State Cowboys vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa State Cyclones West Virginia sweater

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I thought Benedict Cumberbatch as The Grinch Oklahoma State Cowboys vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa State Cyclones West Virginia sweater would be perfect…then I heard the voice they were going with. My only question is, why that voice? If anyone can sound like Boris Karloff it’s Cumberbatch. He’s a great voice actor and he has a great booming bass of a voice. If Alan Rickman was still alive I’d suggest him as a worthy replacement. But no you decided to go with this awful direction. It doesn’t sound like the Grinch at all, even Jim Carey was believable with his voice. I think it’s cool they’re doing a remake. They’re getting better and better with animation so no reason to be mad about them wanting to experiment with something already been done. Grinch is for Christmas. Not Halloween. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Oklahoma State Cowboys vs Oklahoma Sooners Iowa State Cyclones West Virginia sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch LSU Tigers vs Auburn Tigers Alabama Crimson Tide Ole Miss Rebels sweater

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I still can’t get over the fact that The Grinch LSU Tigers vs Auburn Tigers Alabama Crimson Tide Ole Miss Rebels sweater Benedict Cumberbatch! Also, that was pretty funny when the Grinch brings up how walking in the snow can still be somewhat noisy. I hated the movie Jim Carey was in. Not him or his Grinch just the movie itself. This looks “child-friendly” so hopefully it will entertain the kids. I remember every year watching The Grinch on tv with my Granny. Still one of my favorite memories. And yet everyone complaining will be going to see it. I can’t wait the Grinch is my favorite Christmas movie I love max the dog. Honestly, this looks like it won’t work. The fact that they are doing this is one thing, but Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of the Grinch is quite another. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch LSU Tigers vs Auburn Tigers Alabama Crimson Tide Ole Miss Rebels sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Mississippi State vs Alabama Crimson Tide Auburn Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater

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English accent and The Grinch Mississippi State vs Alabama Crimson Tide Auburn Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater courtesy of Sherlock and the Marvel movies he’s been in, they should’ve just let him keep his normal voice when speaking in an American accent instead of changing it cause if it hadn’t said “Starring Benedict Cumberbatch” I would’ve never known it was him voicing the Grinch. What I don’t get is everyone being salty about this movie when it’s supposed to be for kids. Settle down people and watch the movie with your children and have fun. This looks like cheap trash I’m sorry. Definitely seems for babies who won’t remember it or cherish it as they grow older. At first thought, Cumberbatch would be perfect but now hearing his voice it’s really underselling the retelling for me. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Mississippi State vs Alabama Crimson Tide Auburn Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Auburn Tigers vs Alabama Crimson Tide Mississippi State Bulldogs Ole Miss Rebels sweater

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Well, it looks better than The Grinch Auburn Tigers vs Alabama Crimson Tide Mississippi State Bulldogs Ole Miss Rebels sweater Jim Carrey version. He’s a good actor and all but that movie was awful. I think I’ll still stick with the old Boris Karloff one though. I’m cautious. Seeing just how departed they went with their adaptation of The Lorax, and the fact that Illumination, in general, can’t seem to get on any deeper level than the kiddie pool makes me not want to watch this and caution parents against taking their kids to see it, in favor of the original. I kinda wish all they did was just take the original and spruce it up with modern visuals and sounds and change NOTHING ELSE. The original is a timeless classic, but it is a little dated, even when I first saw it as a kid 20 some odd years ago. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Auburn Tigers vs Alabama Crimson Tide Mississippi State Bulldogs Ole Miss Rebels sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Alabama Crimson Tide vs Auburn Tigers LSU Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater

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Jim Carrey’s Grinch is The Grinch Alabama Crimson Tide vs Auburn Tigers LSU Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater. Ron Howard’s adaptation with Anthony Hopkins narration is gold. The original cartoon was enough for me. I dislike remakes that try to explain more than already needs to be explained. There’s no creativity anymore. I’m disappointed in Illumination and people who buy the tickets to see this. That’s all. His voice reminds me of his American accent. But I lost it at this is the loudest show I ever heard bwhahah. I don’t think the voice goes with the character, that being said I think it’s a nice twist to it. We’re going to see that, but the new appearance of Cindy Lou-Who is sure wonderful meant by her overscheduled mother. Cindy’s plan to catch The Grinch Santa disguised and then he has a glass to water to catch up. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Alabama Crimson Tide vs Auburn Tigers LSU Tigers Ole Miss Rebels sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Iowa Hawkeyes vs Nebraska Cornhuskers Wisconsin Badgers Minnesota Golden Gophers sweater

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Why would you wanna advertise The Grinch Iowa Hawkeyes vs Nebraska Cornhuskers Wisconsin Badgers Minnesota Golden Gophers sweater as the creators of Despicable Me, Sing? And the Secret Life of Pets? Those movies are pretty trashed. With maybe Despicable Me getting a pass. For the first movie. Ok first of all the Jim Carey Grinch is the best Grinch. The man was made for the role. This reminds me of a more kid-friendly Lorax that illumination did. I loved the Lorax and Horton so I’ll give this a chance but I dislike the voice they went with it’s too happy for a character named Grinch. Also can they please make a Sneetches movie. That’s the best moral book he made. And the story could be expanded on so easily. Everyone clear your calendars. We are pregaming this movie at my place. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Iowa Hawkeyes vs Nebraska Cornhuskers Wisconsin Badgers Minnesota Golden Gophers sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Indiana Hoosiers vs Michigan Wolverines Ohio State Buckeyes Penn State Nittany Lions sweater

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God, I can’t say it enough this The Grinch Indiana Hoosiers vs Michigan Wolverines Ohio State Buckeyes Penn State Nittany Lions sweater looks so damn bad!!!!!!! I’m the old school I love the cartoon, the original the one that came on every year during the holidays. My family would always have it on while we put up our tree, but this, I mean he says “let’s do mean things” and all they are, are  g rated  stuff. But then again what do u expect from the company that gave us Simpson penes. Well, this is something I’m not gonna watch, it’s just odd. Jim Carrey will always be the better Grinch in my opinion. Do people not realize there are different interpretations of the Grinch besides the book, the cartoon film, and the live action? Even all three of those have some differences. This one feels a bit closer to The Grinch Crunches the Cat and the Hat. This here is meant to be fun, simple, and playful as it’s a Kid’s movie. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Indiana Hoosiers vs Michigan Wolverines

The Grinch Iowa State vs Oklahoma Sooners West Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater

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Part of me says, Take The Grinch Iowa State vs Oklahoma Sooners West Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater. It could be a fun family outing! The other part of me says, “No! Adults only, so I can focus on my love of Christmas some more! Why didn’t they just do the Grinch but do a whole different story? I don’t want to see the same Grinch steals Christmas but then brings it back story. Unless maybe this time he steals it and doesn’t give it back and instead destroys it. That could be a good movie. I love the version with Jim Carrey, even though I know it’s widely reviled. I think I like it so much because Carrey plays such a fantastic, dark curmudgeon. “Bleeding hearts of the world, unite!” is my favorite part of the movie, which says something about my sense of humor and taste. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Iowa State vs Oklahoma Sooners West Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/

The Grinch Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets vs Virginia Tech Hokies Miami Hurricanes North Carolina Tar Heels sweater

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You all can watch The Grinch Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets vs Virginia Tech Hokies Miami Hurricanes North Carolina Tar Heels sweater, I just don’t care and neither will. The people who worked hard to make something people can enjoy. Lol, I’m pretty sure The Grinch feeds. On your negativity, so keep playing. And you all will wake up on Christmas Day. Wondering why you’re cleaning green. Fur from where your Christmas tree used to be. I don’t care about the voice, design, or anything else. My main problem is why is he walking among them like its normal. Isn’t he a hermit in his cave that never interacts with them. Can’t you guys make a movie about two kids falling Into a Dr. Seuss realm where they face things in one fish two fish, Sam I am, cat in the hat…just everything at once? I’m willing to give this movie a chance, the only problem I have is this sounds nothing like Benedict Cumberbatch. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets vs Virginia Tech Hokies Miami Hurricanes

The Grinch Oklahoma Sooners vs Iowa State West Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater

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Well, can! This is The Grinch Oklahoma Sooners vs Iowa  State West  Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater more wonderful and fun! Great Grinch – voice, vision, everything is perfect! I was hoping BC would stay more closely to his original British baritone and kind of do somewhat of a silly but sophisticated thing. Burn it. Burn it with fire. Stop trying to pad out children’s books that are over and done within 15 minutes. The original barely has enough story material to fit a 30 minute TV slot with commercials. Voice doesn’t match only because Jim Carrey was literally the freaking best at being the Grinch. However, love Benedict Cumberbatch. Ugh, I love Benedict Cumberbatch but whatever Y’all have him doing with his voice doesn’t sound good. I’m impartial to Sherlock, so that deep sultry accented voice is all I can hear. Buy this shirt:  The Grinch Oklahoma Sooners vs Iowa  State West  Virginia Texas Longhorns sweater From:  https://sweatshirtus.com/